Saturday, April 23, 2011

An Eye for an Eye

My husband enjoys annoying our dogs. He calls it playing with them and says it is all in the name of fun and that they like it. I think that sometimes they get annoyed.

For instance a couple of weeks ago, my husband decided to put a small bone on Bonnette’s head. She got aggravated and pawed it off. He decided to put it back on her head, again she pawed it off. He did it one last time and she just left the bone on her head for a while. We giggled at her because she looked very cute. She narrowed her eyes a bit as if she were thinking of how to put a stop to this nonsense. While she moved from a seated position to a laying position, the bone fell off her head on its own.

A little later on we began to prepare ourselves for bed. My husband turned to his side and said ‘Good Night’. I stayed up a little longer to read. I was concentrating on that when I noticed out of the corner of my eye, my little dog getting on the bed on my husband’s side. She climbed up quietly and then she moved to the headboard and then plopped herself on my husband’s head.

I couldn’t stop laughing because I felt that she was plotting out this revenge through the whole bone balancing on her head incident. My husband woke up and was annoyed with her. But then he gave her a kiss and hug and she gave him a kiss to show there were no hurt feelings.

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