Thursday, February 25, 2010

History Repeating

A friend of mine used to say that ‘history is just old news’. Even though I wanted to crack him in the head when he said this, he had a point. Yes, history is old news but it’s important to know what happened in the past to avoid disastrous events in the present and in the future. The most important part of the past is to analyze mistakes and events and try to learn from them so you can avoid them later on.

For instance, knowing some things about my past, I should have been better aware of the signs and symbols that came with that past so I could have avoided it for my present situation. Now, I’m not saying I totally messed up. Honestly not all the information was in front of me to avoid it but I had some good indications and I should have stuck with that. Regardless, there is no chance in heck that I’ll let the same mistake that happened down the Arlia line happen again.

It’s really important to put a barrier and super tank and a lot of other stuff in the way of some things from that past so they don’t happen again.

I’m certainly not saying you need to live in the past and never move forward. What I’m trying to get across is that you need to really reflect on the past and make the necessary changes so that those things don’t happen again. If you live in the past, then you can’t enjoy the present or even create a future.

Lots of people dwell in that great world of the past and the wonderful things they experienced then. But just staying in the past doesn’t help anyone because as you were living there in the past, the whole world was moving on around you. You have missed an awful lot of interesting stuff – technology, people, experiences that have taken place since you got stuck in the past. Almost every philosophy in the world says to live in the moment, even dogs and kids to it. The moment they are suggesting is the ‘now’ – not the past.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

All Men are Created Equal

The U.S. Constitution is an amazing document in some regards and limiting in others. It says that as Americans we can pursue happiness and we have certain inalienable rights. It makes you feel super squishy and fluffy inside.

But these things are only endowed to men. (Granted, later amendments have clarified this to include women and other groups that this excluded, but entertain me for a bit here. The constitution says that all men are created equal…they do the same things and are made in the same way. Is this true? Are all men made to have a wandering eye? Is it some kind of evolutionary appendage (for lack of a better word) that sadly will never go away and we just have to accept it?

I’m flabbergasted when people say that all men can look at other women and flirt and stuff and it’s ok because all men do it. Are you completely kidding me? No, it’s not ok! It’s disrespectful to all women, especially wives. It suggests that men are always looking for something else. It’s not innocent; it’s extremely hurtful. Yes, it probably is exciting and it makes the people involved in the flirting feel super attractive and it’s a big ego boost. But what about those people on the outskirts who are not involved in the flirtations but are directly impacted by those flirtations? Yes, yes, these things happen and all men are the same in that they do flirt and where it leads…that’s ok too.

No, it’s not! I repeat it is not ok. It’s not ok until everyone can do it and it’s accepted by all parties. If men think it’s ok to flirt with other women, then women should be able to flirt with other men (if it is in their nature to do so, of course) and there should be no problem as well. But I’d like to see what happens when the wives start to flirt and things just happen Will it be equal treatment, then? Probably not. I’m also not saying it should be an eye for an eye mentality but damn it somehow this stuff just has to stop. Why can’t people just mind their own business, meaning look at their own significant others without moving into dangerous territory of other people? Evolution means you should evolve from the nasty habits and bodily functions that are not necessary any longer (like the useless pinky toe). It doesn’t mean you should stick with the same crap. And some might say it’s survival of the fittest woman…but c’mon now. Maybe the woman who isn’t flirting is really the stronger one when all things are taken into consideration. She’s smarter, funnier, stronger etc.

All men (all people, that is) are not created equal…but maybe all men are. But that doesn’t mean it should be accepted.

Speaking in Tongues

Language interpretation is something I inherently do. I enjoy listening to languages and trying to figure out what people are saying or what language they are speaking. It’s a game to me. As I eavesdrop on people in the street, I try to guess what language they are speaking. Occasionally if I feel up to it, I might ask the people just to see if I’m right.

Regardless of my semi-proficiency in listening to languages and interpreting what people are saying in English, as well as in other languages, I often have no clue what some people are saying. That drives me a little batty because no matter how many questions I ask to ascertain and understand what they are saying, I get no clarity. Visually it’s like a big vacuum in space into which all coherence gets sucked. The Hoover in the Universe!

What I also find baffling about these people is that they think that repeating the same thing over and over will actually bring an epiphany to me about what they are saying. No it doesn’t. Perhaps they need to find another way to say what they are trying to say. You know ‘If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again’. The proverb isn’t “if at first you don’t succeed, repeat and repeat yourself.’

And by all means, if you say ‘just to be clear’ at the beginning of your sentence, this does not all of a sudden, abracadabra, make what you are saying crystal clear. It usually takes a lot more than just saying ‘just to be clear’ to get yourself understood.

Communication is not easy. I definitely would never, ever admit that. But if one of the two parties trying to communicate makes no effort, then there is no communication at all. After all, communication is the exchange of information between people. If one person attempts to communicate and the other isn’t really trying, does the communication still happen? I don’t think so. So you might as well be speaking in tongues because no one will understand if only one party is trying to communicate.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Under Surveillance

Imagine my amusement when I saw my dog, a true squirrel chaser, accompanied in the dog run by two others co-squirrel haters yesterday. Normally I try to walk my dog when it gets a little darker outside because if she sees squirrels in the trees or on the ground, she becomes insanely focused on ‘eating the squirrel’ to the point of reckless abandon. She doesn’t care how much I love her, how much I feed or pet her; I no longer exist on the leash behind her when a squirrel appears.

This determination has led to many bruises for me. (And yes, I should probably look into some behavioral obedience training but it’s the one thing she does that annoys me so I don’t complain. She’s really quite well behaved otherwise.) Hence, it has led to my re-arranging her walking schedule so that I don’t undergo an unduly early death.

The other day though, the vision of my doggy and two other doggies lined up one after the other staring into the trees was a vision. All of their heads turned up in the air and their eyes darting back and forth for any signs of the furry-tailed menaces. The three doggies didn’t even care that they were all sitting in melted snow, they were on a mission. Finally as one of them caught sight of a tree-traipsing tormentor, they all popped off of their butts and hot footed it to the area where the squirrel was located.

My dog began to do her pleasant pirouetting prance and then joined the other dogs in looking at the squirrel. Then whenever the squirrel moved, the dogs moved. Occasionally my dog would do a dance but mostly it was a game of ‘watch the squirrel, move with the squirrel’.

Needless to say, neither of the dogs got to eat a squirrel but I know my dog was seriously exhausted by this play time and it certainly made me laugh quite a bit. It’s amazing how dogs just take pleasure from the smallest things in life. More humans should learn that lesson.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Sincere Appreciation

Everyone looks for reassurance at some time in their life or another. You want to make sure that what you do or what you say counts or is seen as important. Some people need it less than others and others need a lot more. While some get by with very little at all throughout their lives. Those in the latter portion push forward on their own merits, their own goals, conviction, passion and will. Those are truly strong people. However, I think that population is quite small.

It’s very difficult to feel like you count or that what you do is important if someone is always criticizing you. Usually the criticism far outweighs the compliments and then it seems like the praise is as thin as paper. It’s hard to not criticize – it’s human nature in a way to point out what is wrong. But there are ways to show and tell people that they can do something differently and it’s not a direct criticism. Very few people are adept at this kind of communication.

Ultimately, appreciation is something we crave while criticism isn’t. Feedback and constructive criticism are nice and dandy as concepts but if not phrased well, they can backfire tremendously. This creates a massive slide in morale and productivity. So I think the best thing to do is to just try harder to not criticize directly and just try to be more sincere with the praise. People can sense sincerity from a mile away.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Valentine’s Day

Once upon a time in a not too distant past, children would send valentines to all their friends. It was a show of how much you liked your pals and wanted them to feel special.

Those same children have grown up and now if valentines are sent to their friends, death threats are exchanged. What happened? What went wrong?

Counting Sheep Redux

I finally feel vindicated. The NY Times has finally confirmed something that I have known for a very long time that has been giving me a lot of trouble in the last couple months. Counting sheep does nothing, absolutely nothing, to make me fall asleep!!

In the last few months I’ve lost so much sleep and I’ve tried lots of things to get me to snore – warm milk, turkey, melatonin, counting sheep, etc. Melatonin works wonders to make me fall asleep but if I happen to wake up in the middle of the night, it doesn’t help me get back to sleep. So I stay up thinking a million things and can’t get back to sleep. I try to think calming thoughts but somehow some disturbing thoughts seem to saunter in. I try to read but then I get so involved in the plot that I can’t get back to sleep. I need to find some horribly boring book, I guess. I’ve tried playing with my dogs to calm myself down and sometimes this works but it’s not a guarantee.

People of the world with insomnia unite against sheep! Let’s count beaches. How about that?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Slippery When Wet

We got a lot of snow yesterday and it’s really is just so beautiful when it falls. I absolutely love it and I think I’ve mentioned it in other blogs. That silent white blanket of purity is one of the most splendid things that I get to experience.

Central Park is mesmerizing during snow storms. Not only is it a visual portrait of tranquility but it is also a tribute to the sheer frivolity of youth and fun. Dogs are hopping all over the snow. Kids are sledding and giggling. Even adults have fun jumping over the piles of snow and listening to the snow crunch under their boots.

As much as all this is fantastic, we have to take precautions because the snow is very slippery. Or ‘slickery’ according to my husband, who says I don’t know English when I correct him.

So to all of you out there enjoying the snow, be careful. It’s slickery out there!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mathematical Uncertainties

A lot of people are not good at math. This is a country wide problem, even President Obama said it. However, there are some people that just stink horribly at it and should never be near any kind of mathematical principle or function whatsoever.

Let me give you an example. Some people conflate numbers when there isn’t much to conflate. Walking 5 blocks in Manhattan, or even taking a train 5 blocks, should really only take 5 minutes. But some people think it takes 30 minutes. If these people think it takes so long, I wonder how fast they are walking. Even if a human is crawling, they will still move faster than a snail, right?

Working in the business world make you think that a person should be good at numbers but that’s just not true. I can’t tell you how many times me and my friends that work in business can not divide a check! Also, you’d think that a person who works in this domain would know how to read a report. But that’s just not true, again. Sorry to disappoint.

Reconciling data is totally logical. But if you are looking at the wrong data, then what is the point of trying to reconcile? It’s trying to match bananas to pears, no? I think it could help the country as a whole if some people just stop thinking they are good at math. It would make everyone’s life a lot easier. Especially since these people think they are right about everything and you can see from my examples alone that they are not.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Schedule Changes

As most of you know, I love LOST. I’m obsessed with it. But here’s what I hate about LOST…that ABC moved it to Tuesday nights!!!

It’s hard enough for me to get used to a week of work. Now I have nothing to look forward to the rest of the week when LOST is on Tuesday. My watching of LOST is really intense because I spend a lot of time after each episode just thinking about the episode I saw and how it plays into the whole project of LOST. So I never really get to sleep after watching LOST.

This was fine when it was on Wednesday…I would console myself by saying that I have two more days to get through. But now that LOST is on Tuesdays, this is a million times harder. How am I ever going to regain the lost sleep that I lose from LOST thoughts??

Also, I forgot that LOST is on tonight because I’m not used to it being on Tuesday nights. What were they thinking? ABC you are killing me with this time change. It wasn’t broke before so why did you think you had to fix it??

The Agony of Defeat

I can not say that I like football. It’s not one of the million sports out there that I follow in the least. This doesn’t stop me, of course, from having an opinion about football though. Most people have opinions about sports even if they don’t practice it themselves, right?

That said I am very happy that the Saints won simply because I love New Orleans. I felt like they could use a little positivity after Katrina.

Going back to people having an opinion without practicing themselves, this morning I saw a newspaper saying that Peyton was the only reason for the Colt’s defeat. Now, like I said, I don’t follow football at all. But it strikes me as unfair and mean to put this kind of criticism in the newspaper. I mean, the Colts lost and I’m sure the whole team is very upset about it. And if Peyton Manning did make the mistakes that led to their defeat, I’m pretty sure he’s sitting at home playing and replaying his mistakes. I’m sure his coach has let him know that and even his teammates probably want to kill him. So why even put all this nastiness out there? Let’s just be happy for the Saints and let the Colts recover from their loss in silence.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Hobbit

It’s so hard at times to get up in the morning and start the regular weekly routine. The darkness in the morning only makes it harder. But my stubborn nature has to push through because it knows that I’ll be more upset that I didn’t get up and go to the gym.

Sadly my gym schedule was thrown off a bit this morning because I missed the train. So I had to cut my time down. But I’ll try to go back later. Cutting down the time is already frustrating but when I have to hear a guy growling next to me, it bugs me a bit. Mostly because they tell you to breathe when you release weights; not to growl and sound like you were mortally wounded. Why should everyone in the gym have to hear that?

Then if the gym didn’t wake me up, I had to see a pair of hairy legs and feet in the locker room. It didn’t only wake me up; it utterly confused me. Was the lighting bad? Or was this person really the daughter of a hobbit? I just can’t understand some of these things so early on a Monday morning.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Healthcare Reform

People preying on others as a concept is horrible. The fact that this type of behavior happens every day makes me want to puke. Sadly it does happen every day and I’ll give you an example of it from my life directly.

In line with an earlier post on ‘the Chicken and the Egg’ and all the frustration with that, more injury was added to my insult by the wonderful pharmaceutical industry. My company covers a fair portion of medical bills for me which is great. The insurance that I get through my company covered one treatment cycle of in vitro fertilization. However, the treatment was not successful. So we thought of trying again only to find out that my insurance couldn’t cover the next treatment. Not because they outright refused but because I reached my maximum limit. The limit seemed like a vast number until I found out how much the actual medicines cost!

The prices quoted to me on how much the medicine would cost me out of my own pocket made me almost throw up. How could these companies ask for these insane amounts of money for these medicines? How dare they prey on people’s desperation to have children and think that they could ask these prices and still sleep at night? I nearly started a tirade against this poor pharmacist but what did she have to do with it? She didn’t set these prices.

It infuriated me that something that took absolutely no money in nature was being capitalized upon for those who had issues with nature, for those who were ‘broken’. The injustice of it has been festering in my bones for weeks and I intend to do something about it. But I need to be able to express my disgust with our health care system that it would allow such things to happen.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bold-Faced Liar

I really hate when people think they can pass a crappy story off on me. If you tell me something and things just don’t jive or make sense, I’m damn sure you are lying. So why keep telling me more crap and continue to dig yourself in an even deeper hole when you are pretty much caught? I mean, I’m not going to completely tell you that I know your story is full of poop. But I’m pretty certain that I give off the signs that I don’t believe your story.

It would save a lot of trouble if you just come clean. I’ll be less likely to get mad! Also when you lie to me, any trust I have for you just begins to disappear. It’s like the bottle of trust is slowly getting drained to the point where it’s all gone.

I’m not saying that I don’t lie. Heck no! I’d never admit that. I’m just saying that it’s much easier to just go with the truth. I completely understand that people lie sometimes because they are afraid of hurting a person’s feelings. Or, they don’t know what the reaction will be from the person to whom the lie is being told. But there is nothing that will hurt a person’s feelings more than being lied to and their knowing they are being lied to. It makes the person feel like the other person thinks they are a fool and it diminishes the trust. And I am almost certain that the reaction of being lied to is much worse than being told the truth. It’s definitely how I feel and try to act when it comes to being told the truth and being told a lie. I certainly know many people are not like me in this regard but if you are reading this, and you deal with me on a daily basis, it’s better to just go with the truth than to lie.

#1) I can smell a lie and it really pisses me off.
#2) I react much better to the truth than I do to a lie. In the long run, you save yourself a lot more with the truth than you do with a lie.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Chicken or the Egg

In the past year or so I’ve been dealing with an inner struggle that has been difficult in itself but which has been complicated by many outside factors. I would really like to be a mother and have a baby. However, something I once thought was so easy has proved to be the most difficult thing to deal with on so many levels.

The first problem is that I’m not getting any younger. I’m not old but somehow evolution and science, and all that wonderful stuff out there, hasn’t been able to deal with the fact that I’m not 25 years old. Oh don’t get me wrong, tons of stuff is available to help me due to my age but it actually can’t work for me. Apparently due to some past events in my youth and some present stressors, my body is acting 10 years older than it really is. So, I don’t have very many eggs to play with when it comes to conception. My physical body has been made older by emotional crap (for lack of a better word) and so my physical body is manifesting signs, in the reproductive area at least, of being pre-menopausal. This poses a significant problem because very few pre-menopausal women give birth as it is and if they do it’s super hard.

Secondly, let’s just say swimming isn’t a major priority in other factors in this quest.

Lastly, due to a number of situations that brought about the problems that I refer to in the first area, financial issues have come to play in this whole fiasco. Although I hold a pretty good job and am paid relatively decently, it’s not enough to pay for the treatments that I need to try to create a child by the scientific method.

I’ve been dealing with this for quite some time now and have only recently been able to even put this into words. Mainly I’m really upset and angry that some people have it so easy when it comes to this aspect. Also, I’m aggravated that for all the improvements in technology and science, nothing can really be done to get me some more eggs.

As I type away I get misty-eyed at how unfair this has been for me. I know I will get over it eventually but I guess I’m still too close to the event to have the distance necessary to cope.