I make no excuses that people’s behavior amazes me. It baffles me more than anything. The part that I find most perplexing is how absolutely inconsiderate people can be. I’m not saying I am the most gracious and wonderful person out there but I’m aware of when I could be a pain and could be overstepping my limits.
This morning at the gym, for instance, I was getting prepared to take a shower and get dressed in my work clothes. However, I couldn’t really do that because a woman was taking up the expanse of 5 lockers to get herself ready for work. Now I don’t have a problem asserting to the woman that she’s in my space. But what I found annoying is that she was taking up all this space without ever even considering (at least I’m not sure but if she had looked at the other lockers, she would have notice 4 locks on them meaning…hey four other people might be coming to use their lockers at any time) that others might need to get to their stuff in the first place.
I just don’t get it! I’ve found lately that people impose their rules, space, thoughts on others without ever wondering if it might be wrong to do so. It annoys the heck out of me.
I would never take up more space than necessary at the gym. I try to contain myself to the small one locker space that I’ve selected. If I need more space, then I will move to an area where it won’t disturb others. Why is that so hard for others to do? In moving myself out of other people’s ways, then the only person I put out is myself instead of 5 other people. I mean I understand that no one wants to create any discomfort for themselves, but really how much of a problem is it to just move yourself to a more convenient space so you don’t have to say ‘Sorry’ to others for hogging up their area? I really don’t think it’s that hard. But as I’ve said, people’s behavior flabbergasts me on a daily basis. And it just seems to get worse.
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