Thursday, February 18, 2010

Counting Sheep Redux

I finally feel vindicated. The NY Times has finally confirmed something that I have known for a very long time that has been giving me a lot of trouble in the last couple months. Counting sheep does nothing, absolutely nothing, to make me fall asleep!!

In the last few months I’ve lost so much sleep and I’ve tried lots of things to get me to snore – warm milk, turkey, melatonin, counting sheep, etc. Melatonin works wonders to make me fall asleep but if I happen to wake up in the middle of the night, it doesn’t help me get back to sleep. So I stay up thinking a million things and can’t get back to sleep. I try to think calming thoughts but somehow some disturbing thoughts seem to saunter in. I try to read but then I get so involved in the plot that I can’t get back to sleep. I need to find some horribly boring book, I guess. I’ve tried playing with my dogs to calm myself down and sometimes this works but it’s not a guarantee.

People of the world with insomnia unite against sheep! Let’s count beaches. How about that?

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