Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Agony of Defeat

I can not say that I like football. It’s not one of the million sports out there that I follow in the least. This doesn’t stop me, of course, from having an opinion about football though. Most people have opinions about sports even if they don’t practice it themselves, right?

That said I am very happy that the Saints won simply because I love New Orleans. I felt like they could use a little positivity after Katrina.

Going back to people having an opinion without practicing themselves, this morning I saw a newspaper saying that Peyton was the only reason for the Colt’s defeat. Now, like I said, I don’t follow football at all. But it strikes me as unfair and mean to put this kind of criticism in the newspaper. I mean, the Colts lost and I’m sure the whole team is very upset about it. And if Peyton Manning did make the mistakes that led to their defeat, I’m pretty sure he’s sitting at home playing and replaying his mistakes. I’m sure his coach has let him know that and even his teammates probably want to kill him. So why even put all this nastiness out there? Let’s just be happy for the Saints and let the Colts recover from their loss in silence.

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