Saturday, March 8, 2014

Dear Angie

Writing Prompt: You return home from work to find a Dear John letter on your kitchen table. Oddly enough, it’s from one of your favorite pieces of furniture. What does the letter say?

Dear Angie,
You bought me many years ago for the purpose of relaxing in me while reading a good novel. Lately though, most of the use that I get is when your daughter climbs up and down on top of me. Let’s not even talk about that. Really what’s upsetting me the most is that you haven’t sat in me and read a good book in a very long time. Before the little one arrived, I was mostly used as a 3rd closet. You would set your work clothes on me every day and that’s as much of the activity I would get from you. I even hoped against hope that you might even relax in me and write a letter or take a good nap. Nothing! Zilch!

I’ve been wondering, why have you kept me this long? Do you think you might actually use me again? I really don’t think you will. So I am leaving you this letter to tell you that it’s been nice knowing you. I was looking forward all those years ago to reading so many good books behind or to the side of you. But since I can’t even remember the last time that happened, I think it’s time to call our relationship quits. 

I wish you the best. I hope that you will learn a lesson in my leaving. Take some time for yourself! Treat yourself and the other furniture with some dignity. We all deserve it.

It was nice knowing you.

The reading chair

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