Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ashes to Ashes

Today is Ash Wednesday. It is the official beginning of Lent when we remember the time in Jesus’ life leading up to his crucifixion. Normally during this time, Catholics make a sacrifice to show their faith and to feel a little bit of what Jesus went through to save us. 

Most people give up red meat on Fridays during Lent. It’s the absolute bare minimum for most Catholics. Others go all out. My friend has given up all forms of sweets (chocolate, cakes, cookies, candy) for Lent for a number of years. She’s brave. I can’t do that. 

I have tried to do things for myself and for others. One year I decided to go to the gym every day of Lent. Another year I gave up all bread and white flour products. I’ve tried numerous times to give up foul language but I’m a New Yorker. You can take the girl out of New York but you can’t take the New York out of the girl, right? I usually have messed that one up on my morning commute on Ash Wednesday. 

In the past I have volunteered every weekend and have tried do something nice for other people every day of Lent. I have to admit that was a really nice Lenten season. I felt like I made a difference in other people’s lives. 

This year I am giving up all shopping except for food and necessities (diapers, medicine, toiletries). No clothes or shoe shopping for me or my daughter or my husband. For no one really (I would like this to really sink in but I have a feeling something will come up where I might have to buy a gift for someone –s o I will make it non-clothing related). I’ve also given up book shopping. Friends, this might kill me. I will only use the public library for my reading entertainment or the books I already have. 

And I’m also doing something this year…I’m going to attempt to write every day of Lent. My blog has fallen to the wayside a lot in the past year or so. I feel that I have lost my creativity, my ‘me’ and I want to get that back. So I going to do my best to post a blog every day of Lent….so starting today until April 17th, I’ll post something here. 

Please keep me honest to my cause. Read my blog, comment if you want, mention it to others, send me ideas of things to write (because sometimes I really don’t have any ideas – Yes, it’s hard to believe but it’s true). Hopefully I’ll give others a laugh during this Lenten season or I’ll help them ponder important stuff (like how can meetings be avoided as a society? Or why do people do the things they do? Or do people’s moles move as they age?). 

Check in whenever you can. Over and out…moi.

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