Wednesday, August 11, 2010


As much as I try to keep up with technology, I often find that the best way is the old way. I have a ‘Nook’ – Barnes and Nobles version of the Kindle and it’s cool. I love it because it’s compact; can hold many books at once without breaking my neck and it’s convenient for vacations (when I usually get through a number of books).

This morning however, I was reminded of why I don’t like technology. I went to the gym to follow my daily routine. I got on my cardio machine of the day and selected the settings. I opened up my Nook, turned the machine on only to find that it wasn’t turning on. It was too tired apparently to help me out this morning. Needless to say, I was less than thrilled. I honestly didn’t know how to work out without reading something. I had left my music carrier in my bag because I had my Nook with me! And if I went to get my music, it would just mean I’d have to work out for less time since I have a very limited window within which I can exercise. I was very frustrated.

The first thought that came to my mind after this glitch was ‘A regular book would turn on just fine!’ I guess what made me even more annoyed about this whole situation is that I use the Nook at this moment to get through ‘Anna Karenina’. I purposely bought the novel as an ebook so that I wouldn’t have to carry that weight around. And now that I couldn’t turn it on, I was even further behind than I wanted to be with my reading. And if I had just carried the weight of the book, I wouldn’t have even been in this situation where I couldn’t read during my workout!

I see the irony in all this, of course. As much as it makes me laugh to look at this in hindsight. At the very moment it was happening, I wanted to hurl my Nook across the gym floor. Call me old-fashioned; I don’t mind. With some things, it’s easy to see why it’s best to stick with the simpler things in life.

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