Paying homage yet again to my pal Marni, I’ve decided to compile my own list of favorite things. I’ll intersperse them throughout my other fascinatingly intriguing blog.
So item number 1 is: Godiva Chocolates
Oh how I love this blessed, blessed store! Now, I’m not insanely in need of chocolate on a daily basis but I do love myself a good hearty piece every so often. Usually I pick from the almond laden chocolates. Lately however, I’ve taken a liking to the dark chocolate marzipan hearts. I stare at them through the glass case hoping to mesmerize them so they will just follow me home instead of having to fork over a chunk of change for them. But alas, regardless of how I acquire them, I drool whenever I see them and even more so when I pop one in my mouth.
Another morsel I’ve grown to like is the Mandarin Snowflake. This is quite a change of pace for me because I am not a fan of white chocolate. But oh how I like to squeeze this little nugget between my incisors and nibble away.
So, now that you think I’m a glutton, I say FOOEY to you. I know you all enjoy a good piece of chocolate too.
Oh yes, I KNOW about the chocolate love. I'm still thinking about those lucious (and expensive) morsels you, Amanda, and I got at the Godiva store when I was in NYC a few weeks ago. Heaven they were, pure sinful heaven!
PS I'm excited you're copying my idea of the favorite things postings! No better form of flattery.... :)
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