Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The List of Signs

Lately I’ve been reading many articles on how you know you need a new job or how to know you are bored with your job. I’ve decided to give my input on this very fashionable topic.

Signs you need a new job according to me:
1) You ask anyone and everyone you know if they have a gun to use either on yourself or to use on those who inflict daily work torture on you
2) Most of your answers to any work decisions is “I don’t care” or ‘I don’t give a flip’
3) When a office dweller says “Good Morning” to you, your gut response is to say “Die!” to them
4) You are convinced you have some kind of disease based on all the health symptoms amassing in, around and on your body
5) Even if the floor you work on is like an igloo, you never notice because you are fuming with rage every moment of every workday

If you can think of more, please let me know. This is not a definitive list at all.


Sara said...

Oh oh...I have one!
How about you would rather get all your teeth pulled and an arm amputated than having to go into work

I know thats how I felt....sigh

M said...

Here's one: When your job makes you act like this (it's a comic strip): http://the-lingua-franca.blogspot.com/2009/12/close-to-home.html

Honey, you need a new job! Get out of there before you actually do take someone's head off!!