Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Seasonal Allergies

Cursed! Plagued!! That’s me. I have had allergies for a number of years. Some times of the year are worse than others. I get an occasional flare up in the spring but the bane of my existence happens at the end of the summer. Just as the weather is easing into fall…
Ragweed! How I hate you?!

I woke up one morning last week and thought someone had inflated my brain. The pressure and tension of my congested head made me want to take a pin and pop myself. I felt like I was carrying a watermelon around as my head. At any moment, it could tumble forward and break!

This year’s symptoms have been more unbearable than usual. I dragged myself to the doctor only to hear what I had already known – it’s a bad allergy year. He gave me some new medication and it’s helped so far.

Irony isn’t lost on me. I absolutely love flowers and trees and yet every so often during the year, those same items of splendor and beauty make me want to just crawl into bed and sleep.

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