Friday, April 30, 2010

The Loophole

Over a month ago I was working on my willpower and determination to try not to eat any cakes, cookies, pastries, etc., for Lent. I was trying to sacrifice something that would be difficult in trying to emulate Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice.

I was proud of myself. I wasn’t tempted as badly as I thought I would be. And I made it through half of the Lenten period when a friend told me that the sacrificial period doesn’t include weekends. And that a priest even told her this information! I was so upset because I couldn’t believe there was such a loophole to a relatively good deed. Yes, I understand there are more than 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter. But I thought it was supposed to make the time longer so that we had more time to stretch out the sacrifice. Nope, wrong again.

Well, regardless of finding out this information, I will continue to give up or do something helpful next year. It was a little disappointing is all.

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