Thursday, August 13, 2009

Getting My Goat

One of my biggest pet peeves is people who contact you only when they need something from you. I really want to tell them to shove it! A former collegue who I checked up on a while ago just to see how they were doing, didn’t reply back. It was a simple note to just say hi. I like to do that kind of thing, darn it. Months went by, no reply. I brushed it off as an ‘oh well’ event.

Then this week out of the human sludge, came an email asking how I was and if I could write them a recommendation. Hello!! No!! Now that you need something from me, you contact me?

Ok, so I am a wuss. I wrote a recommendation but I didn’t bother to answer any of their small talk email chatter. I believe in karma. God knows that I am seriously being punished for some horrendous tragedies that I’ve committed in a past life. I hope people will be a little more conscientious that it’s nice to contact people even if you don’t need something from them.

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