Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Follow the Leader

I have a problem with authority. I’ve always suspected this about myself. However, it was confirmed during a recent crash course in Argentine Tango.

Due to an overabundance of women to men in the class, many of the women had to play both the part of the leader and the follower at different instances. Needless to say, when I lead, everything was ok. When I was the follower, many people told me that I had to wait for them to act first. Well, I thought to myself “then do something!!!” I wasn’t in the class to stand still.

Then there were others who told me not to do stuff and I got annoyed with that. See, I pay the teacher to correct me. I didn’t pay them to criticize me. You know??

I also don’t think that men (who get to be the leaders in this situation all the time) know what it’s like to be a follower. If you can’t figure out what I need to do, how I will respond to your cues etc, then maybe you shouldn’t be a leader!

I’m sure I have more to write about this topic but I’m just too annoyed right now.

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