Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Favorite Things #4

After two days of single digit weather, when the mercury hit the freezing mark of 32 degrees, it seems as though I were in the Sahara Desert. Balmy came to mind. And the best part of this winter heat wave was the coating of pure white all over Central Park. As I walked the dogs down our usual morning path, with the sun rising over the skyscrapers, the silence of the park was interrupted only by the crunching sound of my boots on the freshly fallen snow. I love snowy mornings in New York. The stillness and calm is something that I embrace wholeheartedly because it’s so rarely found. And I love Central Park. At times it’s an absurd maze that seems impossible to get across and other times, it’s just the most wonderfully man-made nature reserve. It is on days like this when all the dogs are popping up and down in the snow and enjoying the reckless innocence and abandon that I am thankful for my city and to live here. It’s a unique moment and I cherish it every time it happens. It makes me return to those carefree days when I was young and I would go sledding in the hills of the park. I’d giggle and scream with sheer glee – not a thought in the world could ruin this feeling for me then or now.

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