Friday, November 4, 2011

The Blame Game

Our last night in Dublin was one of reunions. My husband got to see a number of friends with whom he went to university. I got to meet a couple of people about whom I had heard many stories. It was nice to put the faces together with the names after all these years.

Being that we were in Ireland and they are a sprightly bunch, drinking was involved. Everyone wanted to buy everyone else drinks. And so they did. Drinks were had, songs were sung. By the end of the very long night and into the early morning, many of us couldn’t quite make it to our beds.

Later that day we had a flight to catch. While getting to the airport, my husband received a message saying that the reason everyone was more than tipsy was due to one particular individual. A few moments later, he got a text from another person and she too blamed her ‘wrecked’ state on that particular individual. We both joined the bandwagon and blamed our grogginess and lack of clarity on that same person.

I realize he wasn’t as much to blame as we were making him out to be. But it certainly was fun to collude with the rest and point fingers at the poor bloke.

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