Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Spies Like Us

While having a conversation with my friend the other day, we realized we have a penchant for spy novels, movies and televisions shows. The world of espionage intrigues us immensely. I was obsessed with the television show ‘Alias’ while it was on. I wanted to be a spy like Sydney Bristow – feminine, smart and kick-ass!

This television season there are a bunch of spy shows that I’m watching – ‘Nikita’ and ‘Undercovers’ to name a few. What intrigues me most about spies is their double lives. How can they keep the daily lives they are leading straight? I can barely walk into the kitchen without forgetting why I went there in the first place. Spies have to keep all their personality traits and stories in order so they aren’t found out! I hardly remember what my name is on most days.

I suppose I’m interested in spies because I want to see them mess up! I want to see them get caught. Or maybe I just think it’s cool to travel the world and know government secrets. Regardless, espionage is a guilty pleasure of mine.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Seasonal Allergies

Cursed! Plagued!! That’s me. I have had allergies for a number of years. Some times of the year are worse than others. I get an occasional flare up in the spring but the bane of my existence happens at the end of the summer. Just as the weather is easing into fall…
Ragweed! How I hate you?!

I woke up one morning last week and thought someone had inflated my brain. The pressure and tension of my congested head made me want to take a pin and pop myself. I felt like I was carrying a watermelon around as my head. At any moment, it could tumble forward and break!

This year’s symptoms have been more unbearable than usual. I dragged myself to the doctor only to hear what I had already known – it’s a bad allergy year. He gave me some new medication and it’s helped so far.

Irony isn’t lost on me. I absolutely love flowers and trees and yet every so often during the year, those same items of splendor and beauty make me want to just crawl into bed and sleep.

Disappearing Acts

Every so often some of my friends disappear off the radar screen in my life. It’s not always a mutual decision; it just happens. For some people this could be upsetting or off-putting but for me, it is ok. I am used to it.

One of my friends is pretty high up on the corporate food chain and is also a bit of a social misfit so I know that there will be radio silence. There is an understood agreement between us.

I’m not so great about being on top of my friends. I just think people are busy and I get busy too. It’s not as though I don’t think about them but sometimes work and life happen and I forget what is important.

A couple of recent events have made me realize it’s is important to stay in touch with friends. They do enrich your life and my friends always make me laugh. Work is always going to be there but friends may not be. It’s important to embrace them while they are around.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Black Coffee

Jetlag is hard to overcome. Usually a bit of melatonin and trying to get on a schedule based on the location I am at the moment helps. However, this time around it’s been a bit difficult.

Being in Italy for over 10 days makes my relationship with coffee a little different than my daily NYC coffee consumption. While in the Big Apple, I have one cup of American coffee for the most part. I do relish in an occasional treat of another cup on some days but it’s rare. However, in Italy, I end up having at least 3 espressos a day. This creates a problem.

Espresso may have less caffeine than a cup of Starbucks – probably 115 grams to the chain’s 175…but if I have at least 3 of them a day….I’m getting more caffeine!!

More caffeine throws my body out of whack…not really, but on some days it can. Especially when on one day alone I had 6 cups of espresso (the occupational hazard of visiting with family is the constant offering of espresso). The waves of energetic spikes followed by lethargy are tough. And that’s how I am feeling now that I am back in NYC. I have some moments of lucidity and then I just want to curl up and take a nap.

The only comfort is that I know that when I have my coffee, I’m more alert and productive. It’s sad for those who consistently drink coffee and it does absolutely nothing for the mental state – they are still sluggish and unproductive.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The List of Signs

Lately I’ve been reading many articles on how you know you need a new job or how to know you are bored with your job. I’ve decided to give my input on this very fashionable topic.

Signs you need a new job according to me:
1) You ask anyone and everyone you know if they have a gun to use either on yourself or to use on those who inflict daily work torture on you
2) Most of your answers to any work decisions is “I don’t care” or ‘I don’t give a flip’
3) When a office dweller says “Good Morning” to you, your gut response is to say “Die!” to them
4) You are convinced you have some kind of disease based on all the health symptoms amassing in, around and on your body
5) Even if the floor you work on is like an igloo, you never notice because you are fuming with rage every moment of every workday

If you can think of more, please let me know. This is not a definitive list at all.