Monday, June 29, 2009

Dental Hygiene

Recently I went to the dentist to get some fillings fixed. I know, you are all very interested in this post because dentists make everyone happy! Skip onto something else if you need to but bear with me because I’m pretty sure my opinions are shared by many.

In this technological day and age, I find it incredibly hard to believe that dentistry still hasn’t advanced much. Drills are the same as they used to be. They are still these little metal tools that rip away at your enamel. Perhaps the way to numb the tooth is a little different now but the essential dental implement is the same. You’d think by now that they could drill through teeth with lasers or something? What about those weird picks to take away tartar? Scrape scraping away at the gums. Shouldn’t there be a simpler way to take care of that?

It seems so odd to me because my dentist (who I happen to really like a lot) has all these nifty gadgets to tell me about my teeth but the tools to take care of them are still very much the same as when I was a youngling. Why is that?

And most importantly, why does Novocain taste so horribly? After all these years of flavoring toothpaste and floss, why does Novocain still taste like a poisonous old sock? Can’t they find a way to make that more pleasant since the rest of the dental visit hasn’t changed much since the dawn of man??

Monday, June 15, 2009

Lost and Found

You probably can’t tell from my blog but I love dogs. I have two of my own and often contemplate adding to my canine joys. Almost every weekend I make time for my doggies by bringing them on a long walk and taking them to the local dog run. Sometimes both of them come along but most of the times, it’s just Foxy (the bigger and younger of my two dogs).

Usually when I go to the dog run I stand around and watch her play with her doggie play friends. But one particular day, I decided to sit on one of the benches on the side because I was very tired. We walked into the dog run and Foxy went to play and I made my way to relaxation. After a bit, Foxy started to look for me and she couldn’t find me standing around. She began to walk around the dog run looking for me but never completely noticing where I was. I assumed she was looking for a stray squirrel so I had no idea what she was up to. As she continued frantically to look at all the human faces and not seeing a familiar one, I realized she thought she lost me.

So I gave her the ‘come-to-momma’ cue and she placed the sound to the location. Upon seeing me, she charged towards me and jumped on top of me that I fell back on the bench. She proceeded to kiss my face and paw me all over. It was a bit insane but sweet. Every other owner noticed this and laughed and awed at the vision. From that moment on, Foxy didn’t let me out of her sight. When the other dogs came looking for her, she didn’t want anything to do with them. She only wanted her momma. She sat at my feet and didn’t budge. I petted her and kissed her knowing how much she loved me.

This was definitely one of those moments when I was truly impressed by the love that dogs have for their masters. I’ve seen moments when both my dogs have known that either my husband or I were sick and they sat by our side for companionship. Often my dogs will get a jealous streak if I pay attention to one more than the other. But I’d never seen such panic on a dog’s face such as what Foxy experienced that day when she lost and then found me again. It goes to show you that animals have complex emotions too.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Alphabet Soup

Recently I got an email at work that was signed by the sender and attached to his name were a bunch of letters. Now if I didn’t know any better, I’d think this guy had his pet cat walk on the keyboard when he wasn’t looking. Luckily I knew what these letter combinations meant since they are used on a regular basis in the daily business jargon with which I work.

But what if I didn’t know what they meant? What would I surmise by looking at AVP, MBA, PMP after someone’s name. Absolutely Valuable Person, Mighty Big Airhead, Please Meet Pat?? I mean, really? What does this combination of letters really mean to me, regardless of whether I am familiar with the acronyms or not? It means you are a pompous self-absorbed jerk.

Have a great day!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Balancing the Scales

Staring at the cold metal
Will this be bliss or
Another letdown?
Needing to eat massive amounts of food
To calm the sadness deep
Inside of my bones.

How can those numbers be true?
It just doesn’t seem likely
That those digits
Correspond to me.
That they equal me!
I don’t see that immense
When I look
In the mirror.

What is going on here?
Is that why he looks
At others?
Why I feel so horrible
About myself
At times.
That I’m not
Good enough
Pretty enough
Sexy enough
To be on this planet.

Ah no,
It’s not the scale.
It’s the broken glasses
On the lens through
Which the world sees

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Follow the Leader

I have a problem with authority. I’ve always suspected this about myself. However, it was confirmed during a recent crash course in Argentine Tango.

Due to an overabundance of women to men in the class, many of the women had to play both the part of the leader and the follower at different instances. Needless to say, when I lead, everything was ok. When I was the follower, many people told me that I had to wait for them to act first. Well, I thought to myself “then do something!!!” I wasn’t in the class to stand still.

Then there were others who told me not to do stuff and I got annoyed with that. See, I pay the teacher to correct me. I didn’t pay them to criticize me. You know??

I also don’t think that men (who get to be the leaders in this situation all the time) know what it’s like to be a follower. If you can’t figure out what I need to do, how I will respond to your cues etc, then maybe you shouldn’t be a leader!

I’m sure I have more to write about this topic but I’m just too annoyed right now.