For all the wonders of communication that I proclaim on a daily basis, there is something to also be said about silence. I spend a lot of my work day listening to and engaging in idle chit chat because it’s the polite thing to do. After a while I just want to tell people to pipe down and just keep it to themselves. I don’t care to hear all your shallow breathing and useless words. I don’t care to look at your family pictures or know what you did over the weekend. I know that sounds horrible but there are some people whose mere utterances just drive me up the wall.
You know who they are - people who talk just to hear themselves talking. Yet they proclaim that others do the same thing without once looking at their own behavior. It’s maddening really.
Every so often it’s just nice to hear the clicking of the keyboard and the generation and production of work without being interrupted by some meathead chatting his brain out on the other side of the floor. And, really, do we need to hear this noise? Is it going to fight cancer or stop world hunger? No! So, how about every so often (maybe once a day), why don’t we all just sit in complete silence around other people and just enjoy it. It’s really a very nice thing to do. It could teach us how important words really are when we don’t overuse them. We know we over consume…does it have to be that way with words too?
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