Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Morning Meow

My work commute has been strange the last few months (cf entries Greener Grass or Squeaky Wheel). On the days when I head to one office, I need to transfer from the subway to a commuter train. I usually walk through an underground path to get from one mode of transport to the other. For the first few weeks of doing this I could swear that I heard a cat meowing within the general area where I walked. I’d look around to see if I could find where the noise was coming from but usually I had no luck.

As I continued this commute, the meowing noise got louder and louder and I still couldn’t place from where the noise was emanating. Despite how much it bothered me, I had to get to my train or wait another 15 minutes for the next train. This would bring me into work past my usual start time.

One day the meowing became clearer. It was coming from the street level just above the commute path. I stopped a moment to listen and realized it was someone handing out “The Metro” paper to people on their way to work. What I heard for so long as “Meow” was actually someone saying “Metro”.

Despite my feeling completely silly upon this revelation, I’m happy that I figured out this mystery. It would have been sad if it were some homeless cat mewling with its master.

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