Thursday, November 1, 2012

Cooking Demonstration

One of the things that I have liked most about being a mom has been talking to my baby. She probably doesn’t understand a single word I am saying but she pays attention to me. I know this might be one of the few times in our relationship where she is rapt with attention by what I have to say. 

So I have been taking advantage of this situation by talking to her about the most inane things (like the plots of all the movies I love) to serious things (the upcoming elections) to things that I have learned (how stretching your muscles will avoid pain in the long run and about).

Among the things I have learned is how to cook so I spend a lot of time talking through some of my favorite recipes. The first thing I talked through was how to make lentil soup. I explained how you need carrots, celery and onions because they are aromatics so they add flavor and depth to recipes. I informed her that there are many kinds of lentils and some need to cook longer than others. Then I told her my secret ingredients, which I know will be safe with her (her not speaking at this moment comes in very handy for my cooking oeuvres). 

She seemed pretty interested the first few times I cooked for her.  A number of other times, she didn’t seem as fascinated as I wanted her to be (namely because of a surprise dirty diaper).  Lately she is more mesmerized by the shiny pots and pans that hang in the kitchen. All I can say is that I tried and maybe as she gets older, she will be more intrigued by my cooking demonstrations. For now, I will just keep trying until there is a recipe that makes her mouth water and captures all her attention.

1 comment:

M said...

I'm sure if she could eat the food you were describing, she'd be hanging on your every word even more and would definitely want to know how to make such masterpieces herself!