Tuesday, September 13, 2011

In Dreams

Lately I’ve been having some very interesting dreams. Every so often I go through a phase where I wake up completely confused by what I’ve experienced in my sleeping state.

Here are some of the highlights of my recent dreams:

One night I had a dream that I was in a Broadway show. My job in this show was to do lots of different voices that could be heard by the audience. One of my main tasks was the nightly reminder to the spectators to turn off their cell phones during the performance. On the particular night of my dream though, I had a cold. So when I went to make the announcement, instead of sounding like a British person, I sounded like a congested Cartman from South Park. The producer looked at me with disappointment. As I went through the curtain to wait my next appearance, the cast members shook their head in embarrassment. That is all I remember of that dream.

On the subsequent night I dreamt that I had to go to the prom. Every couple was given a color that they had to wear. The color given to me and my date was a satin blue. So I went shopping and I found a wonderful burgundy dress that I bought because it looked super fabulous on me. I figured at the time that I had enough time to get a blue dress because the prom was months away.

Finally the prom rolled around and I realized that I didn’t have a satin blue dress. My date, who I’m pretty sure was my husband in the dream, came over with his satin blue tuxedo blinding me from the reflection of the light. When I went into my closet to show him the burgundy dress, what should appear but a shiny blue dress that I would never ever wear in real life. But I wore it and we went to the prom.

I’m pretty sure the dream I had last night had to do with being in the circus but I can’t remember much of the dream in detail.

What do these dreams mean? I’m not sure right now but once I get to analyzing them, maybe they will help me understand what is going on in my subconscious.

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