Monday, December 28, 2009

The Best of 2009

Things that happened/that I enjoyed/that I'll remember about this year (in no particular order):
1)Completed my albatross
2)"Unaccustomed Earth" and "The White Tiger"
3)A broken elbow in July
4)A sprained ankle in November in Morocco
5)Pixar's 'Up' and Dug (SQUIRREL!!)
6)The Wedding in Tenerife
7)Liquid Poop
8)Callate Antonio!
9)The Cousins on the Continent - foto, please!
11) Michael Emerson and Terry O'Quinn on "Lost"
12)Hi-fiving my co-worker and missing
13)Brian Condon
14)Lucy Orly Toronto Cristol
15)Magnificent Morocco - a.k.a. I love olives
16) My friend's big, fat Greek wedding.
17) Billy Elliot
18) Vermont with the girls
19) Therese Raquin by Emile Zola
20) A day at the zoo in France

I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of stuff but I limited myself to 20 and I'll just have to honor the rest in their own posts.

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