Thursday, May 31, 2012

Never Too Early

Occasionally at work we joke on particularly stressful days that it’s has to be 5 o’clock somewhere so we can go out and get a drink to deal with the day’s stresses. Even if it is a joke, there are times in the day when it’s just too early for certain things. But that all depends on whom you ask.

The other day my mom, sister and I went shopping for produce at a farmer’s market. My husband was kind enough to drop us off after running an early errand. My mom loves to go to this market because it has quality vegetables and fruits priced very inexpensively. She also likes them because outside their door there is a pizza shop. She thinks the pizza shop is great because it too is cheap – a large pie of 8 slices is only $8.

As my husband was approaching the market, my mom asked “Should we get a pizza too?” I looked at the clock in the car. It was only 9:45 am. I told her “Mom, it’s not even 10 yet.” To which she responded “So what, we get it now and eat it later for lunch.” Really, there was no arguing with that logic. My mom seemed to think it was close to lunch somewhere so we could buy a pizza and eat it at the appropriate time.

I’ve mentioned before how much my mom loves pizza but this was definitely a situation I never expected to encounter. It made my husband laugh and it definitely put a smile on my face, especially when she came out of the pizza shop at 10:10 am with a large pizza box in her hand.

1 comment:

M said...

Pizza hits the spot at any time! :)