Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Box of Chocolates

My husband claims that he doesn’t like sweets. I do occasionally crave them when I’m stressed or just want something to calm me down after a hard day. There isn’t much that comes close to that feeling of satisfaction that one gets after a delicious piece of chocolate. My preference is dark chocolate.

About a month ago I bought a box of chocolate to give as a gift to someone. I hadn’t yet given it to them because I’ve been busy and so has she. Then one day I pulled the box out of the refrigerator to check on it. (I put them in the fridge so that they don’t melt.) The box felt suspiciously lighter than I had remembered when I bought it. And, the plastic wrap that covered the box was gone. I know I put on a quizzical look because I wondered who could have eaten some of the chocolates. I opened the box to find only 3 chocolates left. Could the dogs have learned how to open the fridge door? Could they have been feasting on these luxurious chocolates when I wasn’t in the house?? Hmmmm.

As I normally do, I ask my husband questions when things seem out of place or odd. So, I walked into the bedroom with the aforementioned pilfered piece box of chocolate. I shook it in my hand and said to him “Any ideas about who has been eating these chocolates?’ He blushed and try to avoid my eye contact. RED HANDED!!

“I don’t know!” he mumbled without looking at me.

So then I said “I thought you didn’t like sweets!!??”

“I couldn’t help it. Godiva chocolates are so good!”

I turned around and walked out of the room. It’s nice to know that Godiva makes such good chocolates that it can convert a professed ‘non-sweets’ lover into a cocoa thief. But I was still upset that I’d have to spend the money to buy a replacement box for my friend.

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