Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Never Trust a Man Who…

Waxes his eyebrows. I know that seems completely random. But it’s not. Let me explain how I’ve come to this philosophy.

The Mexican (a.k.a. my hubby) once mentioned this guy in the neighborhood who he talked to almost every day. He had said that his guy was friendly and nice. And he certainly seemed that way through my husband’s descriptions and through the retelling of their conversations.

Said person gave my husband some advice too. This guy seemed nice and all. One day the Mexican told said person to watch out for someone. At this point I was a little wary. I’m of the opinion that you can’t always warn people about others. They may or may not take your advice. Or they could simply have a different relationship with that person. You just can’t ever really tell where someone’s sympathies lie. Regardless, things were fine and dandy.

Then the day finally came where I met said person. My first impression was ‘I can’t trust a guy who waxes his eyebrows’. A man who takes particular pains to make sure his eyebrows are perfectly waxed is not a person who is looking out for anybody but themselves and their appearance. The description that my husband had created was completely shattered the minute I met this guy. That doesn’t sit too well with me.

Of course later that night I told the Mexican to chill on the friendship a bit. I could really see this guy stabbing my hubby in the back just so that mr. eyebrows (f.k.a. said person) would get ahead. Mind you, no one should look like Bert with unyieldy eyebrow hair that creates bridge across one’s forehead. But either you tweeze them or trim them…severly waxing them seems odd and untrustworthy. So, that’s my lesson for the day.

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